“The creating & the healing of the disease is under our control. We are not victims but co-creators”
– Ayurveda is awakening you to the healer within.
ENERGETIC LIFT : Working on energy, emotions and thought patterns
A potent and powerful healing like nothing you have experienced before. We release trauma (inner child, ancestral, karmic), negative emotions, stories, thought/stress patterns and more. This is all done remotely (over the phone). The client is in their safe space which allows us to drop in deeper. In this session a number of different modalities are used to get to the cause/s of physical/mental/emotional and energetic symptoms. We identify root causes of the symptom, remove it and then download the opposite frequency. An eye opening, upleveling in consciousness & awareness - This is a changing modality that moves fast covering many issues in one session. Leave feeling EMPOWERED, more aligned, at peace and in harmony. INITAL CONSULTATION: Duration 75-90 Minutes, $149 REPEAT APPOINTMENT: Duration 55 Minutes, $111 , Extended Appointment (75-90mins) $149 Contact or Book with Korinne:
Text or Call: 0433 821 763 |
SHAKTI ; Innate Healing
Working WITH the physical body to allow it to heal itself A session connecting the body to its own innate healing powers and wisdom. Shakti is the primordial energy/consciousness that breathes your lungs, beats your heart and heals your wounds. It is pure benevolent life force. This session is a combination of Spinal Energetics, energy healing, breathwork, trauma releasing and more. It will help your body to self regulate the nervous system and clear old stress patterns, emotions, stories and energy. It is powerful, cathartic and ascending, increasing your consciousness and life force. This deep changing work is reserved for regular clients of Green Room Yoga to ensure the rapport and trust between client and facilitator is strong to achieve the best results. Initial Consultation: $145 (45 minutes) Follow Up: $99 (30 minutes), $149 for extended session (45minutes) Contact Korinne 0433 821 763 to book |
Completely unique to The Science of Life. Holistic, yet soul based this is a full scope service giving you a prescription for diet, lifestyle, meditation, yoga and more to practice at home. SESSION 1: 2 HOURS First appointment will take approximately 2 hours. We will determine your ideal healthy state (Prakruti), your current health state (Vikruti) and any imbalances (symptoms). Based on this assessment a 1hr energy balance will conclude the session to assist returning you to health. SESSION 2: 1 HOUR Within the next week you will return for your Soulistic healing Consult. Here we will develop a comprehensive yet achievable plan to implement changes in your life to help return you to your healthy state. This will include individualised suggestions on the following:
COST: $550 in total (3 hours face to face PLUS 2 hours of preparation by consultant for personalised lifestyle recommendations) Comprehensive notes are provided in the second consultation to ensure you have something to reference for diet, yoga, meditation and more. **All herbs, teas, tools etc are at an extra cost. To BOOK: Currently not taking new clients. |
The Science of Life is a revolutionary healing venture where we offer a dynamic and holistic approach to health to empower our clients to become their own healers. We do this by selecting a combination of tools, techniques and approaches creating a holistic and unique path to optimum health for each individual. Ayurveda acts as the foundation of this healing, with layers of other modalities and techniques applied to suit each individual. With this intention the whole self is looked at, not just physical, mental, energetic or emotional wellbeing in isolation. Not only that, repeat appointments over long periods of time are not required – we intend to empower our clients with tools to help heal themselves, and follow up appointments act as a external source of support rather than something the client must subscribe to. |
WHAT IS AYURVEDA???Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word (Ancient Indian) that translates to mean “The science of life.” It is the traditional medicine of India dating back over 5000 years. Still commonly practiced all over India, westernised hospitals included, it is now an increasingly accepted approach to managing health and wellbeing in western culture. Most people find Ayurveda "just makes sense" which is why we know you will resonate with it.
Pivotal to Ayurveda is that EVERYTHING impacts our health. Our environment, our diet, our relationships, our exercise, food, thoughts and more. Ayurveda is about our whole being – spiritual, soul, physical, emotional. Healing – requires looking at all of these elements as ALL of these elements impact our health. If you were a tree Ayurveda does not simply look at the branch with the infection. Instead it would take a thorough assessment of all of the other branches, leaves, trunk, root system. It would look at the trees surrounding you, the environment, the weather you are exposed to, the soil and more. Everything is interconnected and as such everything impacts our health. In Ayurveda the individual is absolutely paramount to the treatment. The same illness is not treated the same in each person… all elements (which is unique to each individual) are taken into consideration for treatment and advice. In Ayurveda you have two states. Firstly your Prakruti – which is your natural constitution, the healthiest version of you. The second state is your Vikruti – which is where your current health sits. Working as a team with your Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant you will bridge the gap between these two states helping you return to health. Treatment includes prescriptions & recommendations on the following:
Ayurveda puts the onus on the individual to be responsible for their health. Your lifestyle consultant will work with you on developing some realistic and achievable changes for your life to help bring you back to your optimum health.
Photo Credits: Shot By Kyze Photography
Photo Credits: Shot By Kyze Photography